
Let Us Help You Advance Your Career!

If you are seeking career change or lateral/horizontal growth, we can help!

Our Career Advancement Package

  • Career Path Counseling
    • Our highly qualified behavioral and management experts use Management, 363, Workplace, and Leadership Assessments to help you develop a plan for your career.
  • Resume Analysis
    • Reviews/Revisions- We target your skills and strengths to tailor your resume for specific careers.
  • Interview Preparation
    • Coaching on presentation skills - Let us help you hone your skills to deliver an interview that demonstrates your BEST qualities and conveys what you are looking for in your career.


      "I explained how much you helped me professionally and personally. Best thing the company has done for me.
      As you know, my time with you was greatly valued and will impact communities for years to come! I cannot say enough about how thankful I am to have had you as my coach for the 18 month stretch. Although you cannot place a true value on having a coach who doubles as a confidant and advocate while championing everything you do and assisting you thru the tough times, your ears should be ringing from all the great dialogue that is as a result of your impact on people. Simply amazing Nancy!
      Thank you so much for everything. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You not only guided me along my professional path, but also provided guidance in my personal journey. For that I am forever grateful. Thank you so much for everything Nancy!
      Nancy, I haven’t had a chance to thank you for being the best thing that happened for my family in 2016.
      Wow, I am actually sad to see this come to an end. Thank you Nancy for coaching me to be a better leader. All my sessions have been extremely helpful and inspirational.
      Thank you for providing me with the tools needed to improve in my role as a Manager.

    LTS Empowering People

    At LTS We Build Trusting Relationships

    Trust accounts for 46% of the difference between low and high performers, and we make it our mission to build trusting relationships. In every relationship, the goal is to drive the individual to self-discovery and successful experiences, through the evaluation and presentation of facts, offering professional guidance, and sharing observations. The goal is not to create a dependency, but rather to empower.

    Empowerment is paramount to the success of the experience!

    Executive Coaching

    5-Step Program is simple and has a 100% success rate!

      This program is designed to evaluate and improve individual behaviors and practices related to the following areas:
    • Organizational Factors
    • Leadership Factors
    • Group Dynamics

     The Value of Coaching

      A Hay Group study of Fortune 500 companies found that 21% to 40% utilize Executive Coaching.
      Some of the notable outcomes of coaching were:
    • 62.4% smarter goal-setting
    • 60.5% more balanced life
    • 57.1% lower stress levels
    • 52.4% more self-confidence
    • 43.3% improvement in quality of life
    • 25.7% more income